Séminaire Borel: Statistical mechanics and combinatorics

Les Diablerets, September 6-9


Stanislav Smirnov (stanislav dot smirnov at unige dot ch) and Yvan Velenik (yvan dot velenik at unige dot ch)


Geoffrey Grimmett
Problems for the clairvoyant demon
Representations for the quantum Ising model

Thomas Mountford
Cookie Random Walks in One Dimension

John Palmer
Planar Ising Correlations

Senya Shlosman
Statistical Mechanics of the 2D Systems with Continuous Symmetry
Interacting Particle Systems on Highly Connected Networks

Misha Sodin
Nodal domains of random waves


19:00: Welcome
19:30: Dinner

9.00-10.00: Grimmett
10.00-10.30: Coffee break
10.30-11.30 : Palmer
11.35-12.35 : Shlosman
12.45 : Lunch
14:00-15:00 : Grimmett
15:05-16:05 : Palmer
16:35-17:05 : Coffee break
17:05-18:05 : Shlosman
19:30: Dinner

9.00-10.00: Sodin
10.00-10.30: Coffee break
10.30-11.30 : Palmer
11.35-12.35 : Mountford
12:45 : Lunch
19:30 : Dinner

9.00-10.00: Sodin
10.00-10.30: Coffee break
10.30-11.30 : Mountford
11.35-12.35 : Shlosman
12:45 : Lunch
19:30 : Dinner


Will be held at Hôtel les Sources

How to get there


To register, please send an email to clement (dot) hongler (at) unige (dot) ch with dates of participation, and request for single/double room.

The price of accommodation and full board at the Hotel Les Sources (to be paid at the conference site):

We might be able to cover other participants as well, if you do not have your own grant, please inquire.